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Nature has provided us with countless herbs and plants to use in natural healing. Come discover how natural healing can help restore your health to its greatest potentional.

Oranges as Food and Medicine

Oranges as Food and Medicine

Primarily known for being a sweet, healthy snack, oranges are high in vitamin C and other nutrients. They also have medicinal benefits and the peels can be used as digestive tonics and a respiratory decongestants.

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Sweet and Soothing Anise Seed

Sweet and Soothing Anise Seed

A remedy for cough, congestion, gas, colic, and nervous indigestion, anise seed is a sweet and soothing aromatic that has antispasmodic and carminative properties. 

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He Shou Wu (Fo-Ti)

He Shou Wu (Fo-Ti)

A traditional jing tonic in traditional Chinese medicine, he shou wu helps to fortify the vital energy of the body, promoting health, restoring hair color, and prolonging life.

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Become a Natural Healer

Learn how you can train to become a natural healer or just learn how to use herbs to improve the health of yourself and your family.