If you’ve ever been to the Southern States you’ve probably seen kudzu. This vine, native to Japan and southern China was introduced into the United States and has grown like crazy in the southern states from the Carolinas on the coast to Texas. It has sometimes been called, “the vine that ate the south,” because it now covers millions of acres, growing over the top of everything, and costs hundreds of millions of dollars to control. I believe we should be utilizing plants like this a lot…
An effective remedy for diarrhea, chemical poisoning, spider bites, and infected wounds, activated charcoal is a valuable remedy to have around.
A thousand year old remedy, wood betony has been used for pain relief, headaches and more. It is a mildly bitter nervine, antispasmodic, and analgesic. It also helps strengthen the celiac (solar) plexus and the gut-brain connection
Whether it is used for vasoconstrictive headaches, mental focus, heavy bleeding, or tension in the legs lesser periwinkle is a useful remedy to know. It has an almost paradoxical action where, on the one hand, it appears to have a relaxing effect, but it is also used as an astringent to staunch bleeding.
S-adenosylmethionine (abbreviated as SAMe or SAM-e) is a natural substance the body makes to facilitate certain chemical reactions. It is synthesized in the body from the amino acid methionine and adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Most of it is created and used in the liver. First discovered in Europe, and available there by prescription since 1975, SAMe has several potential therapeutic benefits. Since all these benefits come from SAMe being a methyl donor, it helps to understand what methylation is…