Welcome to StevenHorne.com
Nature has provided us with countless herbs and plants to use in natural healing. Come discover how natural healing can help restore your health to its greatest potentional.
Expand Your Herbal Knowledge
with Steven Horne's
Advanced Herbal Mentorship Course
Great news! You can take my comprehensive, professional herbal training program offered through Know Your Wellness. This course will give you a working knowledge of hundreds of herbal remedies for just $129 per month. Enroll now!
We're starting the fourth module of our Strategic Herbal Training Program in February. These lessons will help you understand how to assess people's health to help you determine what is causing people's health problems. We'll cover tongue and pulse assessment, iridology, muscle testing, and glandular body typing. Download the course brochure to learn more about the program. Our strategies for health course will train you to treat people, rather than diseases, and help them rebuild and restore their health. The lessons from the first two modules are available online.
The course is part of our member program. Join today.
Blood Type, Aromatherapy & Herb Charts Now Available
We've partnered with Simplee Natural to produce our laminated educational charts:
These charts are all large 11x17 inch laminated color prints and are $24.95 each.
Feverfew is one of those herbs that isn’t well understood by the general public. It’s primarily sold as a remedy for migraine headaches due to research conducted in Britain in the 1980s, which showed it was helpful in preventing migraines. Further research has suggested that certain compounds called parthenolides are likely responsible. Because…
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Whether it is used for vasoconstrictive headaches, mental focus, heavy bleeding, or tension in the legs lesser periwinkle is a useful remedy to know. It has an almost paradoxical action where, on the one hand, it appears to have a relaxing effect, but it is also used as an astringent to staunch bleeding.
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Both a common spice and a digestive remedy, nutmeg has been used to reduce gas and bloating, ease nausea, and help with digestive upset. The essential oil is also a useful topical analgesic.
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